This episode will soon have new design, too.

Extensions Write a code, and run with extensions. This is the example code:
print("Hello World")

Then, open the menu at Run Extensions. It can make bugs, but it is great.
You do not have any extension, because I have tested it. I have planned to create .xxextension, but that is for later.
Important: Install Java to run Java codes. Python too.
Helpful functions


If zou are building a verz big project, you will have problems with very many opened programs like this: You can have sooo many more. Calculator is one of functions what will help you. Like kelp.that is only a joke
At menu you will find it on Run Calculator.
Tip: You can write the example to the white "screen" and then pres mark =

Map of the marks

If you are writing in another languague as English you can havr e problems. There are many special characters. If you cannot write them, you can use Windows Map Of Marks. But in XediX, I have created my own. Find it at Run App Marks. Expand the window, click to mark what you need and it is copied.

Special syntax highlighting

In 3.5.0 beta 1 are three types of SH: nothing, Python, Gitignore. To turn on nothing, youdo not need to do anything. To turn on Python, write this to code:
To turn on .gitignore, write this: